Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Simple Things in Life

Men really don't understand how it is the simple things in life that we woman enjoy the most. At least, it is for me! For example, a clean house! As with everyone lately, the Felton's have been looking at ways to cut down on expenses. So, against my better judgement, we signed up with the cable company for their "Triple Play". This is broadband cable (yes we were working off DSL (UGH!)), telephone (local & LD), and Digital TV Cable. I must say, the best has been the TV. We've had a HD tv for awhile now, but never realized how good the picture could be! I digress . . . anyway, the "Triple Play" package is a flat amount for 24 months, and it will be $50 less per month than what we were paying!!

In addition, I looked on Craigslist, got some estimates, and we now have a new lawn guy for a savings of $15 per month!

Ok, now the other area my husband thought we could save money in is housecleaning. For years, I and, we have had someone clean the house. Well, in the interest of saving money, my husband decided WE should clean the house ourselves. Now, I know what you're thinking, "Sure, right, "we"?!" Well, "yes" he does mean "we". Because of my back, he would actually end up doing most of it. Now . . . anyone who knows him is already asking "when?"! When would he find the time? We still have remodeling to do, walls to paint, nails to hammer! WELL, he decided, he would find the time "to save the money".

OK, that was a month ago. The house has been cleaned once. I've tried to keep up here and there, but when your taking Vicodins and Flexirils for your back, it's hard to keep up with the housework. SO, the little dust bunnies became rabbits! We were able to save paper and write things down on the dust on the table . . . it was time for an intervention! So thank goodness for a little angel named Angela. Angela is a girl (woman) that we had clean for us before the whole remodel started. During the remodel, we couldn't have her come. Meanwhile, I felt bad taking that income away from her. So, at the condo where I work (and I met Angela) whenever an owner needed someone to clean, I gave them Angela's name. By the time our remodel was done, Angela had picked up so much extra work, she had NO room for me! So, to Craigslist I went, and got someone else to clean. However, my husband now wanted to save money, and I really didn't like the people that were cleaning. . . so we cancelled the new cleaning crew.

BUT NOW . . . WE HAVE ANGELA BACK!!! After many Vicodins, Flexirils, Chiropractor visits, and dust rabbits I pleaded with my husband for the return of a cleaning crew. Meanwhile, some owners have moved away, and Angela now had room in her schedule again!! So, this afternoon, we came home to a clean smelling, shiny, fantastically clean house (and at less money than the crew we didn't like)!!!!!

Life is good.


Alexis said...

I love having a cleaning person come. I used to spend my Saturdays cleaning, but now I spend them with my family. It's wonderful! The only downside is, once you hire a cleaning service you really can never go back! Also, do you notice that your overall cleaning philosophy tends to slack a bit? Like, when I clean the house I go through old papers, sort through stuff, organize, etc. Now I just let things stack up and organize them into a neat pile for our cleaning lady to dust around.

SAT said...

Yay for you to have her back! We had a lady who started off ok then went downhill fast. The last time before I fired her she didn't clean a single sink, toilet, floor...NOTHING! Now we have this great OCD lady who cleans like crazy to the point it takes us about thirty minutes to put our house back together. Since it's the cleanest our house has ever been I'm not complaining!

skbproductions said...

I don't do toilets or bathtubs.